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(7 edits) (+2)

So firstly, I'd like to say, I quite enjoyed this game.. and yes,  I know the frogs may not actually be gay, but it's a fun idea. 

..and honestly, I really believe someone  *SHOULD* make a game where you fight as Alex Jones to save the world from an army of gay frogs. People would love it. Trust me.

Anyway, here's my playthrough, hope you liked it.

And hey... maybe one day YOU could make a sequel? A version just for me?

Maybe call it, LOVELAND COVE: Attack of the Gay Frogs?

Lol yeah. Well, probably not JUST for me, but it was worth a try.

Really though, great game. I just believe that what the world DESPERATELY needs RIGHT now, is a game about glitter throwing, tea spilling, limp wristed, oh no you' di'int bitch, homosexual frogs.

I know someone could make this, and make it brilliant. That someone could be you.


Played during a stream starts at 1:12:23


Yes, this one was improved. I liked it. No more jump fence when we gone through the swamp. Cool, cool


Every update and I cross my fingers that this will be the time that the story progresses a bit further, but no such luck yet! Looking forward to the full release!


This summer! Be ready!


Nice, will be getting this one when it comes out.


Well well well this was an interesting take on a horror game. I like it. Were you drinking frogshine when you made this game? I already wish listed it on steam. I am looking forward to the full game. I do hope the full game will have more action and maybe finally unravel the mystery of this frog cult.

well done game and amazing story about frogs of all things would not have thought this would have been a good idea on paper because it sounds like  the makings of a bad b movie.  But I always believed that a crazy idea in the hands of the right person can still turn out amazing. this is very well done

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Who knew a game about frogs could be so unsettling?!?! I can't wait to unfold more of this mystery!!


Love the new version. Can't wait for the full release!


Got a replay for the Demo Disc, those damn circles on the womans back still freak me tf out lol

No Commentary


My video on Loveland.


i loved this so much cannot wait for the rest of the game !!!

No Commentary :) 



AWESOME GAME ! I did a full playthrough of it ! Please check it out and leave a like ! I Also appreciate the sub ! Cause i have many other playthroughs on my channel. :D 

Great game, stoked to see what comes after.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey, i can't just skip it. Comparing to some of other ps1 style or just standard horror games, this one really didn't make me want to quit after first minutes. I love how it gives the horror feeling, but there are no jumpscares (yet ..) seriously. you hit the perfect game length in terms of searching items, and I like how the main character says something logical, unlike some other games. Awesome job. Will it really b e continued or it's just a joke? There are many quests to do, but after opening the gate I can't do anything more. Can't wait to continue investigating!

edit: ok I see the full ver will be on Steam.. ik this may be bad question but will it be uh.. free?


stuck on the "headphones recommended" screen


Are you using Windows, Linux, or Mac?




This was a fun game very spooky i cant wait for the full version and find out the secrets about FROG MAN


Soon... The secrets will be revealed...


Nice, aesthetic little game. Looking forward to the full version. I like that you can simply walk off the map if you want. The only thing I found scary was that, when standing in the trailer with (spoiler) many spiders in it, if you look through the window at the end (at the key), at the far right there seems to be a pair of glowing white eyes on a weird body looking thing. It was probably a car or something, but I stood there for a while thinking something might attack me. ;;; I really like the plot, the whole frog moonshine idea is cool. 


We're glad you enjoyed it! but we feel like our friend may have been watching a bit more often then that... 


Wait, are you telling me there really was a monster watching me, or? ;;;

(1 edit) (+2)

shortest game I ever played XD

Ok, I'm a bit confused about the keys... Was the middle lock locked with the key near the missing person? Because something happened in the bathroom of the first house on the left..


It indeed was. The key/puzzle layout is something we certainly are improving upon to make it a bit more easier to understand what you're doing. 


Was Very intrigued by the demo, Wish we could have gotten one creature sighting but other than that it has a great  atmosphere  and the story  was very intriguing  .   

I was curious on what the frogs have to do with loveland and was pleasently surprised by the Loveland Frogman Mystery, I look forward to see how   you add the beast in. Keep up the great work!!


Thanks for playing! We're sure the full version will not disappoint in the final reveal...


An interesting demo. Loved the atmosphere.


Thanks! We'll make sure to share your video with our discord


I made an account just to comment on this. Very nice game- the atmosphere was great and the suspense was good for a while until I got stuck looking for a key and managed to get out of the trailer park thinking I found the "correct way" (I had not, lol). From the way the car is facing, if you go all the way forward into the trees, there's no barrier and I walked into the pond. I found my way out of the pond by jumping in some places, but yeah. I don't know if that was some hidden thing intended so you could see what the eyes in the distance actually were, but... either way, definitely a fun game and I'm excited to see where it goes next.


Whoops! We may have forgotten to enable a few invisible walls it seems... We'll make sure to take care of that in the next update!


This was such an awesome game. I went in very low low expectations, honestly. "Oh, a first person 'PS1' style horror game. Looks like a plain 'walking sim,' too." Also, obviously being inspired by the Loveland Frog cryptid, that didn't help (kind of the goofiest cryptid.)

However I was so impressed. The spooks and scares were very slow and immersive. Turning on stoves, TVs, sinks... they're little and don't add to "gameplay," but when they're in games they're a treat. But it got me more "into" the environment. I had a little "oh dang" moment when I could walk through the the swings and they rattled. Honestly you never see stuff like this in indie games of this style.

And that made the scares even more engaging. It wasn't the unraveling of the plot through "notes," but the creeping realization of what's happening. And the SOUND DESIGN. Again, you don't get great horror sound design in a lot of indie horror, and I find that for me is what elevates a horror game.

There never really any cheap jump scares. No "ARGH" scary JPEG. They felt earned and not really childish.


My main criticism is the puzzles and pacing. The puzzles themselves were simple, but the layout of the levels made it hard to figure out what to do. I was wandering for a good while a lot going "where the fuck is that key?" I starting getting into the equivalent of "rub all items on the puzzle" in point and click games. It did kill the pacing a bit which got in the way of the spooks. A solution to that would be more clear labeling of puzzle items. Not leaving them in the path, but better positioned so they're less easily missed. The key left on the broken windowsill was very annoying. Keep in mind where the player may be moving or looking. I think the game may be too dark, and the trailer park is a bit awkwardly laid out. For the full game, I suggest working with environmental lighting and layout for puzzles, not only to lessen frustration in puzzles but keep the pace to make it scarier.

Also, you could sometimes grab things through walls or tables, FYI.

So, in short, I was blown away. The use of sound design and earned spooks made the game very immersive and the story and spooks weren't spoon fed. The main issue is the awkward key-finding and darkness which added some frustration. But my heart was beating a good bit, and it wasn't my hypertension.

helpme helpme helpme helpme helpme helpme helpme helpme


Fantastic review! We really appreciate that you took the time to play Loveland and provide us with some excellent feedback.

We are currently working on a complete overhaul on how the keys are obtained and used throughout the Trailer Park. It should be a much more smooth experience once the final version is released!


I agree with this. The key in the jar was fine, I had no problem with that. The one in the frogshine room was okay too. The one I had an issue with was the one in the room with the frog lady, since I was coming in from the back door each time I managed to miss it on 4 or 5 passes through because it doesn't light up well from that angle. I'd advise adding a little sparkle or something to collectibles.

Speaking of items, I couldn't find the vinegar, is it actually in the demo?


Awww, I really wanted to see what was inside the main trailer - nice cliffhanger.  :)  Looking forward to see what happens next and I will definitely purchase the full version once it comes out on Steam.


We're glad you enjoyed the Loveland Demo!

We are hard at work at making the full version something VERY memorable...


Hello, I played this game and I like the look of it, the gameplay was also good, it was a short and sweet game, good work :) 


Thank you for playing! We shared your video with our discord!


Thank you! I appreciate it :)


I want to play this so bad but it keeps crashing. The short time I’m able to get is great though! 


We're sorry to hear that! Are you playing the Windows version?


I am. I just updated so I'm gonna check it out now and see how it be


Looks like the update fixed whatever it was.  Superb experience , Dev! Really looking forward to a full game. If I could request one thing, it would be an achievement for squishing frogs :) Really great style and  very engaging story. Masterful cliffhanger. Instant purchase when it gets to Steam. 


We're glad you were finally able to give Loveland a try!

Thank you for the kind words, and we are sure you won't be disappointed once the full version is released!Z


Atmosphere A+, Graphics A+, Controls A+ and the story is really getting to me. Really looking forward to the finished product!


Thank you! We're really glad you enjoyed your time in Loveland Cove!
The full version is available for wishlist now:


I really loved the atmosphere in this game, cant wait for the full release!


We can't wait either!


This was so interesting and so much fun! Can't wait to play the full release! 


Thanks for playing! You can wishlist the full release here!

Awesome! I'm gonna do that right now! Look forward to the full release! 


hey, i really like this game but like halfway through it crashed so i re-downloaded it and started playing again but it crashed super early. i was really hoping to finish this really cool game and wanted to know if there was anyway you knew that might solve my problem


We're sorry to hear about that! Unfortunately, we are aware of this bug, and it's a rather nasty one.
Thankfully, we are releasing an updated version of the demo today that fixes this issue, along with a bunch of other bugs we've spotted along the way.
We'll make sure to respond to this comment once we push the update!


thank you! i cant wait


Loveland v0.6 is now available for download. Hopefully this runs a whole lot better for you!


Great game, love the setting of the trailer park filled with cult-like behavior, dont see that much often, love the little subtle scares of the game, and just in general whole game. Hoping the full version will be just as amazing as this one was, looking forward to it a lot.

ps if intrested here's a little playtrough of mine (game is at the beggining)


We thought the setting was indeed rather unique!
We have been very hard at work at making sure that the full version will live up to everyone's expectations.


Now this I found excellent.

From managing to use a creature that most would write off as impossible for a horror antagonist, to the very organic way you traverse between trailers in the park as event sunfold, this is just a wonderfully creative little horror setting. Especially the usage of sound to freak you out simply by how MANY of the dan things are around is kind of brilliant.

Too me an annoyingly long time to find a key I was looking for but eh, that's on my part. Really cool little game! Hope to see more.


Thanks for playing! We are most certainly working on making the keys  a little easier to find in the full version.


very wonderful hopefully a full version will be out soon 


Thanks for playing! The full version will hopefully be out very soon!


and wishlisted


Wonderful, very creative premise & setting. 


Thank you very much!


This was a very strange game but way more fun than I expected it to be! Good job! Cant wait for the rest!


Hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer!


welcome to my wishlist, frogs....


Frogs, evil? :( No... 


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